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Channel Your Fears: Failures Into Success

Guest blog by Nicolle Germain, MBA

Earlier this week, X5 Management was privileged to host Darren Hardy, a sharp business guru and Publisher of SUCCESS magazine, who stopped by Edmonton to share his personal stories about becoming a Super Achiever.

One topic that resonated with me was when he described how failure and success are on a pendulum that swings back and forth. The more you open up yourself to your fears, the higher the likelihood you will experience greater joy and happiness. True Super Achievers do not let their failures hold them back. Instead, they embrace those challenges and channel them into success. He shared how the most successful people in the world are probably the people that have failed the most in life.

As Darren shared his thought-provoking message, I reflected on one of the largest life obstacles I have faced and what it taught me. A few years ago, I was independently traveling in New Zealand. I was getting ready to depart on an international flight to Taiwan when I discovered I had lost my wallet. Luckily, I still had my passport and ticket, but I didn’t have a nickel to my name and I needed about fifty dollars to get transportation to the airport, pay the departure tax and catch my flight all within a few hours. Sheer panic, fear, and I’ll admit a few tears kicked in. However, that is when a new level of focus came. There was no time to waste. I brainstormed up some options for what I could do and got to it. What I encountered was not easy. Road block. Another road block. Road block again.

But, that didn’t stop me and guess what happened? I approached a complete stranger and pitched him the idea of lending me enough money for my travels…and he agreed to it! Was it awkward and uncomfortable asking a stranger for money – yes. Was it worth it – YES! The pendulum had swung back in my favour. My success came not only in monetary value, but also when I recognized the power of determination. I had searched for creative options for accomplishing my goal and pushed my limits. I was motivated to not give up, while facing my fears along the way.

The items in my wallet were later replaced, the Good Samaritan was re-paid and that experience offered me a great life lesson both personally and professionally. You never know what might happen when you step (or are pushed!) out of your comfort zone and challenged in a new way.

Sometimes the greatest failures in life offer up the greatest learning opportunities. Not only do you learn more about how you can change your approach next time, they offer up humbling life experiences that keep you grounded and focused. The key to failure is embracing it and channeling those “learning lessons” into greater success. Super Achievers are successful because they don’t quit! They don’t make excuses for themselves and they don’t let their fears hold them back.

I challenge you to face your fears in your business and personal life, such as contacting your dream client or going skydiving. When you are faced with your next big obstacle what are you planning to do? Whatever is holding you back – let it go. Opportunities for growth are out there, you just have to be willing to embrace your fears and go for it!

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