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Commit to Your Commitments

Have you ever broken a promise?

Most of us have at some point in time (whether you are open to admitting it or not). The dictionary defines the word Commit to Your Commitments ‘promise’ as a declaration that something will or will not be done. You might describe people that always keep their promises as reliable, trustworthy, honest, genuine, thoughtful and so on.

Promises have a direct correlation with trust. I often think of trust as a piggy bank. Everyday you make deposits in your bank accounts (also known as your relationships). Each day you make little or big deposits, other times you just accrue interest. Unfortunately, a few bad investment choices or withdrawals (such as broken promises) can leave you bankrupt. The lesson here is that respect and trust are difficult to earn and grow over time, and very easy to lose. The key word is that you have to EARN respect. It’s an intangible thing that is not available for purchase. What are some specific elements associated with respect?
Commit to Your Commitments: This is my personal motto. I truly believe acting consistent, being reliable and doing what you say you will are characteristics that are highly respected, but often under utilized in the business world. I use this saying to help keep me focused, motivated and on track.

Follow Through: In conjunction with my motto, follow through is imperative in all aspects of your life. What have you promised to do or deliver? No one likes the person that doesn’t deliver on his/her said promises. You earn people’s respect and trust by walking the talk and consistently adding value.

Positivity Please: Attitude makes a huge difference in people’s opinions of you. Are you a Negative Ned or Debbie Downer? Or, are you the person that looks for solutions and can do so in a friendly, positive manner that is collaborative for all involved?

Word Travels: It’s hard to ignore the words of ‘caution’ from others. Remember that your actions (or inactions) could lead to future challenges just based on your network. In business, your reputation (whether good or bad) says a lot about your character.

Accept Responsibility: Live your life in an honest, realistic way and you’ll see the pay off. It is imperative to understand that no person is perfect, including yourself. Admit to your mistakes and faults, ask for help if required, do not pass the blame, and accept responsibility for any wrongdoing. Create an honourable follow-up plan and move forward.

What does your company promise to do? Perhaps provide exceptional service, put the customer first, meet your deadlines, or offer the best value available? At X5, we use the acronoym LRT (Like, Respect, Trust) when building relationships with other people. As a business, it is imperative that you act with follow through in whatever you do in order to earn LRT. If your organization wants to set itself a part from your competition – deliver above your customers’ expectations and deliver what you say you will. To end with a bit of a cliché that packs a punch: ‘Don’t make promises you can’t keep’ otherwise your piggy bank will likely be empty.

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